

7 月 27 日至 29 日 • 田納西州納什維爾



The Galt’s Gulch Summit will deepen young people’s understanding of Ayn Rand's ideas, and equip them with the philosophical tools necessary to think critically, act independently, set meaningful personal goals, find win-win relationships, and defend their rational self-interest. The summit will be held at the Nashville Marriott on Vanderbilt Campus – and kicks off the afternoon of Thursday, July 27th, and ends the afternoon of Saturday, July 29th.
** Student/Young Adult complimentary room block is now FULL. Limited Student/Young Adult Tickets are still available, but attendees will be responsible for their own lodging throughout the duration of the conference. Travel scholarships for transportation are still available, applications are due by July 1st. **

Schedule of Events

Thursday 07/27/23

  • 5:30 - 7:30 PM: Event Registration & Welcome Reception
    Hors D'oeuvres & Cocktails
    Raffle & Speed Networking Activities

Friday 07/28/23

  • 7:30 - 9:00 AM: BREAKFAST & Event Registration

  • 8:00 - 8:40 AM: The Nobility of Business: Purpose & PrinciplesJames Lapeyre
    Exploring the pivotal role of business in advancing human progress & examining how Objectivist principles help foster business growth and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships

  • 9:00 - 10:00 AM: Who Needs Philosophy? - Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
    The meaning, influence, and importance of philosophy for one’s life and the life of a nation

  • 10:15 - 11:15 AM: The Virtue of Selfishness and the Selfishness of Virtue - Rob Tracinski
    Ayn Rand’s case for a morality of rational self-interest

  • 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM: Campus Controversies: Mock Debates interactive session with Atlas Society Scholars & students
    - America Prospered Due to Slavery & Remains Systemically Racist: Jennifer Grossman & Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
    - Capitalism Is Unjust Because Results Are Unequal: Richard Salsman Ph.D. & David Kelley Ph.D.
    - Real Socialism Hasn’t Been Tried: Isidora Kolar & Rob Tracinski

  • 12:45 - 2:00 PM: LUNCH

  • 2:00 - 2:45 PM: Israel: How Ayn Rand Can Clarify & Help - Michael Kauffman
    A Practical review of the situation in Israel with Randian applications

  • 3:00 - 4:00 PM: Values and Virtues as Spiritual Currencies - Martin Hooss

  • 4:00 - 5:30 PM: BREAK

  • 5:30 - 8:30 PM: DINNER & Evening Program
    Cocktail reception with drinks and mingling 
    Guests will hear from CEO, Jennifer Grossman and Producer, Patrick Reasonover
    Debut screening of our original Atlas Shrugged book trailer video project
    Special Keynote Speaker: James O'Keefe
    Afterparty Karaoke

Saturday 07/29/23


If you’re looking for a weekend getaway with other people your age who are interested in ideas – then Galt’s Gulch Summit is for you! Spots are limited to 50 young adult attendees (ages 18 – 27 ) – so don’t wait, you can secure your spot for a nominal fee: young adult tickets are just $50!


  • 訪問所有講座和討論

  • Complimentary lodging [SOLD OUT]

  • 整個週末的大部分餐點

  • Dinner program with keynote speaker James O'Keefe

  • Access to a selfie booth from Digibooths and DigiGroup Entertainment - your go-to when it comes to photo booth or DJ services!

*Space is limited. Tickets must be purchased by July 15th, 2023. 

*Scholarships Available Upon Request* Students and young adults may apply for travel stipends to offset the cost of their transportation. Applications must be received no later than July 1st, 2023. Learn more and apply for a travel stipend HERE.

Questions? Contact Student Program Manager, Abbie Berringer via email: abbie@atlassociety.org

成人活動 參加以前的阿特拉斯協會活動。


This event is also open to our donor community (age 28+). Seating is limited – so be sure to register for your spot today!

Donor/Adult admission $1,750 includes:

  • 訪問所有講座和討論

  • 整個週末的大部分餐點

  • Dinner program with keynote speaker James O'Keefe

  • Special donors-only event with The Atlas Society scholars & leadership

We hope you will consider joining us at the Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University in Nashville this summer to meet and learn from our scholars, alongside other donors and members of our student community.

問題?聯繫 開發總監, 安娜·弗羅因德在 ana@atlassociety.org


我們要求我們的捐助者幫助我們資助這個首屆活動!請考慮通過贊助 或任何規模的捐款 來支援此活動,以幫助我們舉辦本次首屆會議。我們需要您的説明,以邁出這一重要一步,擴大我們為年輕人提供的教育計劃。



  • 您可以通過購買個人贊助來參加活動

  • 您可以捐贈 100% 免稅的禮物,該禮物將直接用於使年輕人能夠負擔得起參加此活動。



Thank You To Our Sponsors

We are incredibly grateful to our sponsors who make it possible for us to provide lodging, low-cost tickets, and travel stipends for students and young adults to join us at this year's Galt's Gulch Summit!

Ayn Rand Platinum Sponsor

DaGny Taggart Champion

漢克·里登 合夥人

Francisco D'Anconia Patron

Galt's Gulch Sponsor



7 月 27 日至 29 日 - 田納西州納什維爾




Patrick Reasonover


Isidora Kolar

Speaker; CEO, Ayn Rand Center Europe

Michael Kauffman
