小羅伯特·布蘭得利(Robert L. Bradley Jr.)是能源研究所的首席執行官和創始人。作為美國能源市場歷史和監管方面的領先專家之一,他曾在美國國會和加州能源委員會作證,並在全國各地的眾多學院、大學和智庫發表演講。布蘭得利的觀點經常被媒體引用,他的評論和社論發表在《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》和其他國家出版物上。作為六本書的作者,布蘭得利將古典自由主義世界觀應用於最近的企業爭議和能源政策辯論。他的能源入門書(與理查·富爾默合著)是《能源:主要資源》。
In 1859, the first treatise on “best practices” appeared: Self-Help, With Illustrations of Character, Conduct, and Perseverance, by Samuel
More than 200 years ago, Adam Smith determined that economic self-interest advanced the wider commercial good as if led by an invisible hand
In 1972, just two years after the first Earth Day, a team of scholars from MIT published a 200-page book called The Limits to Growth. Using
In 1859, the first treatise on “best practices” appeared: Self-Help, With Illustrations of Character, Conduct, and Perseverance, by Samuel..