We're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?教育阿特拉斯大學
We're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?

We're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?

December 26, 2023

Question: We're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?

Answer: Well, I would say let’s consider some social things: slavery, wife-beating, religious hatreds. Have those improved or worsened in the modern world? I think the record clearly shows that we’ve made great social improvements in all of those areas.

Or consider some other kinds of social events: family vacations, music concerts, sports events. Do we have more of those and better access to those, or fewer and worse? And again I think the record shows that we have a lot more of those things and they are a lot better, so the modern world has made great strides both materially and socially.

Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
About the author:
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.

Stephen R. C. Hicks is a Senior Scholar for The Atlas Society and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University. He is also the Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship at Rockford University.

他是《推理的藝術:邏輯分析讀物》(W. W. Norton & Co.,1998)、《解釋後現代主義:從盧梭到福柯的懷疑主義和社會主義》(Scholargy,2004)、《尼采與納粹》(奧卡姆剃刀,2010)、《創業生活》(CEEF,2016)、《自由主義的利弊》(康納·考特,2020)、《藝術:現代、後現代和超越》(與邁克爾·紐伯里合著,2021)和《八大教育哲學》的作者 (2022). 他曾在《商業道德季刊》、《形而上學評論》和《華爾街日報》上發表文章。他的著作已被翻譯成20種語言。




他的 開放學院播客系列 由多倫多的可能正確的製作公司出版。他的視頻講座和採訪在 CEE視頻頻道在線,他的網站 StephenHicks.org。  

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