Sen. Ron Johnson files lawsuit over Obamacare subsidies for Congress教育阿特拉斯大學
Sen. Ron Johnson files lawsuit over Obamacare subsidies for Congress

Sen. Ron Johnson files lawsuit over Obamacare subsidies for Congress

January 7, 2014

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is in the news with his lawsuit over Obamacare. The lawsuit, filed Monday,  targets exemptions for Congress. In an OpEd published Sunday in the Wall St.

Journal Johnson wrote: "The president and his congressional supporters have also broken their promise to the American people that ObamaCare was going to be so good that they would participate in it just like everyone else. In truth, many members of Congress feel entitled to an exemption from the harsh realities of the law they helped jam down Americans' throats in 2010. "

senator ron johnson lawsuit obamacare exemptions congress subsidies

"[M]any members of Congress feel entitled to an exemption from the harsh realities of the law they helped jam down Americans' throats in 2010."

~ Sen. Ron Johnson

The lawsuit has raised the ire of fellow Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner who labeled the action a " political stunt " and complained  "Success in this suit will mean that Congress will lose some of its best staff."

Last year Atlas Society staffer Laurie Rice sat down to interview Johnson on the influence Atlas Shrugged has had on his life and career, and how it has inspired his "fight for freedom."  "One of the reasons I ran is because I see... freedoms in America threatened," said Johnson.  "I always call it a 236-year-old experiment, and that's what we have here in this country. It's something precious and I'm concerned that we're losing it."

What do you think of Johnson's lawsuit? Join the conversation by leaving a comment below the video.


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