Pelosi Criticizes Businesses, Not Senators, Over Women's Pay教育阿特拉斯大學
Pelosi Criticizes Businesses, Not Senators, Over Women's Pay

Pelosi Criticizes Businesses, Not Senators, Over Women's Pay

May 31, 2012

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who touts as one of her "key" achievements as House speaker a bill to help women sue for pay discrimination and thereby force their employers to pay them more than they had agreed, held a press conference yesterday in which she complained that women are paid less than men in the private sector.

But a report last week claimed that of five Democratic senators -- all women -- who held a press conference to promote legislation to bring women's pay to the same level as men's, "three pay their female staff members significantly less than male staffers."

So Daily Caller reporter Michelle Fields asked Pelosi for her response to the report. Did the former speaker urge legislation? Did she express outrage?


She said: "You're going to have to go to the Senate side for that."

Apparently she doesn't think it's her place to judge employment practices in the Senate -- even to the point of making a harsh comment, which is every citizen's right. Nevertheless, she is willing to criticize and even coerce the private sector in the name of equal pay.

She ought to consider upholding, instead, the sort of equality it is her job to uphold: equal legal rights. If she thinks it's OK to regulate people's pay in the name of her ideal of equality, she should be willing to tell her colleagues she wants to apply that law to them. If, on the other hand, she recognizes that people need to be able to structure their own economic relationships, and that employers and employees have a right to negotiate pay themselves, then she should quit imposing "paycheck fairness" laws on the private sector.

Here's the Daily Caller story , and here's the video:

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