Could you say that this country was based on the work of slaves, and that it gave us an advantage over other countries?教育阿特拉斯大學
Could you say that this country was based on the work of slaves, and that it gave us an advantage over other countries?

Could you say that this country was based on the work of slaves, and that it gave us an advantage over other countries?

August 2, 2023

Question: Could you say that this country was based on the work of slaves, and that it gave us an advantage over other countries?

 Answer: Slavery was a huge disadvantage. It held us back, especially in the South. Obviously, slavery is a huge disadvantage to the slaves, who are part of the country, and they're then forced to live stunted lives, but also pretty much everyone else. Slavery is a dead-weight loss, both morally and economically. It caused huge social friction between North and South, between slaves and non-slaves, people who were for abolition and people who were not, as well as being economically underperforming. 

 The important thing to note historically is that those countries that rejected slavery and worked hard to abolish it; those are the countries that became rich first and then fastest.

Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
About the author:
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.

Stephen R. C. Hicks is a Senior Scholar for The Atlas Society and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University. He is also the Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship at Rockford University.

他是《推理的藝術:邏輯分析讀物》(W. W. Norton & Co.,1998)、《解釋後現代主義:從盧梭到福柯的懷疑主義和社會主義》(Scholargy,2004)、《尼采與納粹》(奧卡姆剃刀,2010)、《創業生活》(CEEF,2016)、《自由主義的利弊》(康納·考特,2020)、《藝術:現代、後現代和超越》(與邁克爾·紐伯里合著,2021)和《八大教育哲學》的作者 (2022). 他曾在《商業道德季刊》、《形而上學評論》和《華爾街日報》上發表文章。他的著作已被翻譯成20種語言。




他的 開放學院播客系列 由多倫多的可能正確的製作公司出版。他的視頻講座和採訪在 CEE視頻頻道在線,他的網站。  

Instagram Takeover Questions:

Every week we solicit questions from our 100K followers on Instagram (a social media platform popular with young people. Once a month we feature Stephen Hicks' answers to select questions, transcripts below:

