Joe De Sena是世界上最大的障礙賽和耐力品牌 Spartan的創始人兼首席執行官,是The Atlas Society的全明星成員。作為去年在紐約市摩根圖書館舉行的晚會的贊助商之一,喬 - 總是準備迎接挑戰 - 慷慨地同意贊助今年10月14日在洛杉磯舉行的晚會,並與去年的獲獎者,Lululemon創始人Chip Wilson合作,在活動期間舉行運動員圓桌會議。
像我們的獲獎者彼得·迪亞曼迪斯(Peter Diamandis)一樣,喬是説明他人創造性地培養積極心態的典範,這對於克服冠狀病毒及其經濟後果帶來的挑戰尤為重要。
喬和奇普以及其他特邀嘉賓將討論安·蘭德的想法如何影響他們作為企業家和運動員。要查看誰將加入他們, 請按兩下此處。
雖然喬比我們任何人都更清楚在不確定的時期推進事件的困難,但他毫不猶豫地答應了“是”,承諾從馬薩諸塞州飛往洛杉磯參加十月份的晚會。讓我們跟隨他的腳步,今天就 預訂您的門票吧!
Jennifer Anju Grossman -- JAG-- became the CEO of the Atlas Society in March of 2016. Since then she’s shifted the organization's focus to engage young people with the ideas of Ayn Rand in creative ways. Prior to joining The Atlas Society, she served as Senior Vice President of Dole Food Company, launching the Dole Nutrition Institute — a research and education organization— at the behest of Dole Chairman David H. Murdock. She also served as Director of Education at the Cato Institute, and worked closely with the late philanthropist Theodore J. Forstmann to launch the Children's Scholarship Fund. A speechwriter for President George H. W. Bush, Grossman has written for both national and local publications. She graduated with honors from Harvard.