Jennifer Grossman Speaks at Australia: The Road Ahead Conference

Jennifer Grossman Speaks at Australia: The Road Ahead Conference

April 17, 2024
Apr 17
Apr 17
Add to Calendar Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024 America/Los_Angeles Jennifer Grossman Speaks at Australia: The Road Ahead Conference Online

The Atlas Society constantly pursues opportunities to engage with minds yearning for liberty—both across the US and around the world. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman (JAG) is traveling to Perth, Australia to speak at the Australia: The Road Ahead conference on Wednesday, April 17. Hosted by the Mannkal Economic Education Foundation, among other leading liberty-minded Australian think tanks, this action-packed day includes an international group of speakers who will speak directly to the crisis of ideas faced not just Australia, but across western civilization.

Live in Perth or know someone who does? Be sure to check out the event website and purchase your ticket HERE.