

3 分鐘
December 4, 2014

We note with sadness the death today of Nathaniel Branden.

At our organization’s 1996 Summer Seminar, in Boulder, Colorado, Branden made the first of many appearances at our events.

Branden, circa 1960s

His lecture “ Objectivism and the Psychology of Self-Esteem ” was also a first on a larger scale, as he acknowledged in his opening words:

This is the very first time in 28 years that I have addressed an Objectivist audience, and it is a more thrilling experience for me than I have any words to communicate to you. I feel that in being here I have come home to a very important part of myself, from which I needed to separate for a while in order to gain perspective.

Branden was referring, of course, to his acrimonious rupture with Ayn Rand in 1968. He had created the NathanielBranden Institute ten years earlier, after the publication of Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, in order to promote the philosophical ideas dramatized in the novel. His 20-lecture course, The Basic Principles of Objectivism, was the first systematic statement of the philosophy—and the first of many courses offered through NBI. With Ayn Rand, he edited The Objectivist Newsletter and The Objectivist magazine, where his early work on psychology was published, along with most of Rand’s most important philosophical essays. It is hard to imagine that there would have been an Objectivist movement without him.

After his break with Rand, Branden continued his career in psychology, as an innovative therapist and teacher of therapists. His many books and lectures earned him worldwide respect as a pioneer on the subject of self-esteem. He fought against those who identify self-esteem with narcissism—both those who denigrate self-esteem for that reason and those who promote narcissism in the name of self-esteem. Through his research, teaching, and publications, Branden argued that genuine self-esteem is earned by pursuing the essentially Objectivist values of rationality, integrity, productiveness, and responsibility.

We are proud to have played even a small role in reuniting the rich stream of his psychological insight with the wider philosophy of Objectivism, where his work began.

He was a giant, an Atlas. He will live beyond his life.


Nathaniel Branden, Remembered by Edward Hudgins

The Moral Revolution in Atlas Shrugged by Nathaniel Branden
This classic, by Nathaniel Branden, was prepared under Ayn Rand 's oversight. It offers a classic analysis of Rand's portrayal of her radical, new ethical perspective.

Objectivist Ethics in an Information Age Economy by Nathaniel Branden
Today's organizations require a higher level of independence, self-reliance, self-trust, and initiative. In a word, self-esteem.





David Kelley Ph.D
About the author:
David Kelley Ph.D

David Kelley founded The Atlas Society (TAS) in 1990 and served as Executive Director through 2016. In addition, as Chief Intellectual Officer, he was responsible for overseeing the content produced by the organization: articles, videos, talks at conferences, etc.. Retired from TAS in 2018, he remains active in TAS projects and continues to serve on the Board of Trustees.


凱利的哲學著作包括倫理學、認識論和政治學方面的原創作品,其中許多作品以新的深度和新的方向發展了客觀主義思想。他是認識論論文感官的證據》的作者;客觀主義中的真理與寬容,論客觀主義運動中的問題;粗獷的個人主義:仁慈的自私基礎;以及《推理的藝術》,這是一本廣泛使用的入門邏輯教科書,現已出版第 5 版。

凱利曾就廣泛的政治和文化主題發表演講和出版。他關於社會問題和公共政策的文章發表在 《哈珀斯》、《科學》、《理性》、《哈佛商業評論》、《弗里曼》、《論原則》等雜誌上。在1980年代,他經常為 《巴倫週刊》財經和商業雜誌 撰寫有關平等主義、移民、最低工資法和社會保障等問題的文章。

他的著作 《一個人的生活:個人權利和福利國家》 批判了福利國家的道德前提,並捍衛了維護個人自主、責任和尊嚴的私人替代方案。1998年,他出現在約翰·斯托塞爾(John Stossel)的ABC/TV特別節目“貪婪”中,引發了一場關於資本主義倫理的全國性辯論。




概念與自然:對現實主義轉向的評論(道格拉斯·拉斯穆森和道格拉斯·登厄伊爾)”,《理性論文》第 42 期,第 1 期,(2021 年夏季);這篇對最近一本書的評論包括對概念的本體論和認識論的深入探討。






現代性黨”,卡托政策報告,2003年5月/6月; 導航員,2003年11月;一篇被廣泛引用的文章,關於前現代、現代(啟蒙)和後現代觀點之間的文化分歧。

"I Don't Have To" (IOS Journal, Volume 6, Number 1, April 1996) and “I Can and I Will” (The New Individualist, Fall/Winter 2011); Companion pieces on making real the control we have over our lives as individuals.

Las ideas y la influencia de Ayn Rand