
The Atlas Society Asks Larry Elder

May 31, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 154th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews renowned libertarian political commentator and talk-radio host Larry Elder. Listen as they talk about his upcoming book "Ask Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation" along with his entry into the 2024 presidential race.

The Atlas Society Asks Lars Tvede

May 24, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 153rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks for a conversation with Swiss-based venture capitalist Lars Tvede about his views on Objectivism, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Don't miss it as they also discuss Tvede's latest book, "From Malthus to Mars: How to Live, Lead, and Learn in an Exponential World."

Art & Aesthetics with Rob Tracinski

May 17, 2023
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special webinar discussion concerning the role and power of art and aesthetics in Objecitivst thinking. Listen as he also discusses music, a subject not extensively covered by Ayn Rand, herself. Previous Episode

The Atlas Society Asks Jean Twenge

May 10, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 151st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge about her recent book "Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents--and What They Mean for America's Future." Dr. Jean Twenge is a psychologist who researches generational differences, including work values, life goals, and speed of development. She is a professor of psychology at San Diego State University and the author of more than 180 scientific publications and books.

Being An Optimistic American: The Atlas Society Asks Paul Johnson

May 3, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 150th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews CEO and Co-Founder of Redirect Health Paul E. Johnson about his recent book "Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You." With a background in business, politics, and government becoming the youngest mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, at 30 years old, Paul has managed several state campaigns for presidential candidates and is the host of "The Optimistic American podcast," which works to create space in the news media for a positive and hopeful view of America.

Philosophy, Creativity, Communication: The Atlas Society Asks Leopold Ajami

April 26, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 149th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Leopold Ajami, a public speaking coach, Creative & Strategic Consultant, and Objectivist. He integrates Philosophy with creativity and communication to help you design your voice above the noise and build a philosophical blueprint to live by. He is the co-host of the Ideas on Trial Podcast and the founder of the Novel Philosophy Academy.

In Defense of the Second Amendment: The Atlas Society Asks Larry Correia

April 19, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 148 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews bestselling author Larry Correia about his new non-fiction book "In Defense of The Second Amendment," which is a must-read for those looking for up-to-date news on the conversation surrounding gun policy and politics.

The Student Debt Trap: The Atlas Society Asks Josh Mitchell

April 12, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 147 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews journalist Josh Mitchell about his book "The Debt Trap: How Student Loans Became a National Catastrophe." Josh Mitchell is a journalist for The Wall Street Journal who spent fourteen years in the Journal's D.C. bureau, winning the Education Writers Association's 2016 award as the nation's top higher education reporter for his coverage. "The Debt Trap" explores the last seventy years of the student loan industry that would submerge a generation of Americans into $1.5 trillion in student debt.


April 5, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 146th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Gabrielle Bauer about her book "Blindsight is 2020: Reflections on Covid Policies from Dissident Scientists, Philosophers, Artists, and More." Gabrielle Bauer's health and medical writing has won several national aways and her new publication from the Brownstone Institute profiles dozens of thinkers, bringing fresh and diverse perspectives on the ethical breaches and social upheaval resulting from COVID-19 policies.

The Atlas Society Asks Michael Liebowitz

March 29, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 145th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews prison reform advocate and Objectivist Michael Liebowitz and his book "Down the Rabbit Hole: How the Culture of Corrections Encourages Crime." Michael Liebowitz is an author, prison reform advocate and Objectivist who spent 25 years in prison before turning his life around and dedicating himself to advocating for individual liberty. He is a frequent guest on the Todd Feinburg show and spokesman for the Libertarian Party of Connecticut.

《歷史哲學》(The Philosophy of History),斯蒂芬·希克斯(Stephen Hicks)和羅伯特·特拉辛斯基(Robert Tracinski)

3月15, 2023
加入阿特拉斯協會,觀看阿特拉斯學會提問的第 144 集,並與高級學者斯蒂芬·希克斯博士和高級研究員羅伯特·特拉辛斯基進行特別網路研討會討論,兩人將解釋這些問題:是什麼導致了歷史變革?思想、知識機構或哲學的作用是什麼?


3月8, 2023
與首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)一起參加《阿特拉斯學會問》(The Atlas Society Asks)的第143集,她採訪了 ClimateDepot.com 的記者兼出版商馬克·莫拉諾(Marc Morano)。聆聽他們討論氣候變化、政府對資訊的控制以及馬克的最新著作《大重置:全球精英和永久封鎖》,該書揭示了大重置的起源、幕後黑手、實施方式以及 COVID-19 和所謂的“氣候緊急情況”如何加速其在世界各地的發展。


3月1, 2023
與首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)一起觀看《阿特拉斯學會問答》的第142集,她採訪了作家和《紐約時報》暢銷書作家丹尼爾·詹姆斯·布朗(Daniel James Brown)和他的新書《面對山:二戰中日裔美國英雄的真實故事》(Facing The Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II)。


2月22, 2023
加入首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)的第141集《阿特拉斯學會問答》,她在哪裡採訪了記者和教育家埃絲特·沃西基(Esther Wojcicki)。聽他們討論兒童發展和沃西基的書「如何培養成功人士」和「教育中的登月計劃」。。


2月15, 2023
與首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)一起觀看《阿特拉斯學會問答》的第140集,她採訪了The Dispatch的主編兼聯合創始人喬納·戈德堡(Jonah Goldberg)。聆聽他們討論與民粹主義,腐敗,民族主義,安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)和他的新書“西方自殺”有關的廣泛話題。


2月8, 2023
與首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)一起觀看《阿特拉斯社會問答》(The Atlas Society Asks)的第139集,她採訪了埃克斯特法學院(Exter Law School)的自由主義高級講師萬吉魯·恩喬亞(Wanjiru Njoya),瞭解她對社會正義的看法,正如她的書《經濟自由和社會正義:種族多樣性背景下的平等的古典理想》中所寫那樣。

Ayn Rand & Freedom's Furies: The Atlas Society Ask Tim Sandefur

2月1, 2023
與首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)一起觀看《阿特拉斯社會問答》(The Atlas Society Asks)的第138集,她採訪了回歸嘉賓蒂姆·桑德弗(Tim Sandefur),瞭解他的最新著作《自由的憤怒:伊莎貝爾·派特森(Isabel Patterson)、羅斯·懷爾德·萊恩 (Rose Wilder Lane) 和安 · 蘭德 (Ayn Rand) 如何在黑暗時代找到自由》(Freedom's Furies: How Isabel Patterson, Rose Wilder Lane)和安 ·蘭德(Ayn Rand)在黑暗時代找到自由》(Freedom's Furies: How Isabel Patterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand Found Liberty in an Age of Darkness)。聽他講述1943年三人如何分別出版《機器中的上帝》(The God in the Machine)、《自由的發現》(The Discovery of Freedom)和《源頭》(The Fountainhead)的故事,為後來的現代自由意志主義運動奠定了基礎。


1月25, 2023
加入首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)的第137集《阿特拉斯學會問答》,她採訪了Bigelow LLC的聯合首席執行官彼得·沃雷爾(Peter Worrell),內容涉及商業以及安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)對他的創業之旅的影響。


1月18, 2023
加入我們的創始人David Kelley博士,參加一個特別的“學者問學者”會議,他採訪了Richard Salsman博士,並討論了時事,Salsman的思想之旅以及他目前的工作。


1月11, 2023
與首席執行官詹妮弗·格羅斯曼(Jennifer Grossman)一起觀看《阿特拉斯學會》(The Atlas Society Ask)的第135集,她採訪了作家、創作者、音樂家和政治評論員埃裡克·七月(Eric July ),講述了他的第一本Rippaverse漫畫書《Isom》的成功推出,以及他對美國政治現狀的看法。埃裡克·七月(Eric July )成功預售超過 300 萬美元,推出了自己的漫畫品牌“The Rippaverse”,從而闖入漫畫界。這位說唱歌手和受歡迎的YouTube創作者也是Being Libertarian的聯合創始人,The Blaze的內容貢獻者,以及喚醒媒體娛樂的直言不諱的評論家。
