


第 1 部分中的一系列場景說明瞭安·蘭德對身心、精神和物質、工作和愛情統一的看法。漢克·里登(Hank Rearden)生活中兩個女人之間的對比說明瞭這一主題:達格尼·塔格特(Dagny Taggart),他的商業夥伴成為他的情人,以及他的妻子莉蓮(Lillian)。

4月15, 2014
David Kelley Ph.D
7 分

首席煤炭生產商肯·達納格(Ken Danagger)向達格尼·塔格特(Dagny Taggart)解釋了他為什麼要退出自己的生意。政府對他施加了繁重的規定,現在威脅要因與漢克·里登(Hank Rearden)的誠實商業交易而監禁他。

4月15, 2014
David Kelley Ph.D
7 分
對受害者的制裁 |阿特拉斯聳聳肩


4月11, 2014
David Kelley Ph.D
2 分鐘


3月3, 2014
David Kelley Ph.D
2 分鐘
Lavabit的Ladar Levison在Atlas聳聳肩的頁面上:BRC視頻採訪

很容易將拉達爾·萊維森視為拉達爾·萊維森的十字軍 拉瓦比特 暗郵聯盟 阿特拉斯聳聳肩 商業權利中心...

1月15, 2014
2 分鐘
RIP Barbara Branden

Author and speaker Barbara Branden died in Los Angeles yesterday at the age of 84. The Atlas Society will be publishing a detailed obituary

Dec 12, 2013
2 分鐘

In this presentation David Kelley surveys the history and current state of the Objectivist movement. Truth and Toleration was a monograph...

Feb 13, 2013
2 分鐘
Video interview: Sen. Ron Johnson and Atlas Shrugged

"Fight to be free." These are the words of Republican Senator and businessman Ron Johnson, and he is so committed to the fight, he had the..

Jan 16, 2013
3 分鐘
Values in Atlas Shrugged (Part 1: Career)

Atlas Summit 2012 -- The heroes of Atlas Shrugged are rational, productive businesspeople. In Ayn Rand's thought, a career represents the

Jan 14, 2013
2 分鐘
Yes, Mr. President, Ayn Rand Is for Teens -- and Everyone Else

Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we..

Oct 26, 2012
4 分鐘
Will Atlas Shrugged Elect the President?

Atlas Shrugged Part 2 , now in theaters, could be more than just exciting fall film fare. This is the latest installment of the trilogy of

Oct 25, 2012
6 分鐘


8月28, 2012
3 分鐘
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
2 分鐘
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
2 分鐘
Gary Johnson on Atlas Shrugged | Election 2012

Aaron Day interviews libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, via Skype. Johnson discusses the role of government and the influence

Aug 23, 2012
2 分鐘
新聞中的阿特拉斯協會 |保羅·里安,安·蘭德

4月30日,阿特拉斯協會公佈了眾議員保羅·里安(Paul Ryan)在2005年TAS活動上發言的音訊。在音訊中,他表示

8月13, 2012
5 分鐘
Paul Ryan's Objective Virtues

Now that Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney’s choice for vice president on the GOP ticket, Ryan’s plan for dealing with the

Aug 11, 2012
3 分鐘

Ammu Kannampilly最近發表的一篇題為“印度與Ayn Rand不太可能的戀情”的文章,由亞洲的DAWN媒體集團發表。

2 分鐘
Paul Ryan, Ayn Rand, and my Thom Hartmann interview

On May 2, 2012, I appeared on “The Big Picture,” a TV show hosted by Thom Hartmann, to discuss the recent controversy surrounding Rep...

May 4, 2012
2 分鐘

上週四和週五,出現了一系列新聞報導,再次涉及眾議員保羅·里安(Paul Ryan)和安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)的想法之間的聯繫。

4月30, 2012
5 分鐘
