Objectivism is true, and it does make sense. Because of this is it is easy to understand and to live by. But it also stands against many of
對於共和黨來說,選舉是容易的部分。共和黨人擊敗了巴拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)的政黨,歐巴馬的政策是徹底失敗的。
安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)是安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)的《阿特拉斯聳聳肩》(Atlas Shrugged)的作者,她取得了真正非凡的成就。她是一位非常成功的小說家,其
That’s the one thing the New York literary world can agree on, it seems.In the New York Times Book Review on Sunday, November 2, two...
The Objectivist movement has helped many people apply Objectivist principles to their personal lives; it has contributed to the broad-based
2014年阿特拉斯峰會 -- 在阿特拉斯聳聳肩中,約翰·高爾特是一個神秘的存在,似乎正在摧毀世界。但是,事實上,高爾特是
共和黨主席雷恩斯·普裡巴斯(Reince Priebus)發佈了該黨的“美國復興原則”。巧合的是,長期政治家格羅弗·諾奎斯特
What makes for a successful movement in favor of liberty and reason? Alexander McCobin, co-founder and president of Students for Liberty....
Ayn Rand’s philosophical insights offer you freedom—not just political freedom someday, but spiritual freed...
capitalism karl marx ayn rand objectivism enemies of capitalism carrie-anne biondi john galt atlas shruggedAtlas Summit 2014 -- Part of
最近,挑釁性著作《超人類主義賭注》(The Transhumanist Wager)的作者佐爾坦·伊斯特萬(Zoltan Istvan)呼籲“限制宗教灌輸的監管”。
經濟教育基金會(FEE)最近出版了安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)一本鮮為人知的專著,名為《美國主義教科書》(Textbook of Americanism)。 這
2014年阿特拉斯峰會 -- 格言是帶有衝擊力的哲學陳述:它們傳遞關於生活的陳述,通常以有趣或易於理解的方式進行。
No, I wasn’t distancing. I adored her novels when I was young, and in many ways they gave me an interest in economics.