在明尼蘇達州農村的聖奧拉夫學院(St. Olaf College)發生兩周的騷亂後,一個自稱為“變革集體”的組織關閉了
我作為Airbnb主人的第一個晚上幾乎是一場災難。我以為我已經準備好了。房子的魅力鏡頭 - 檢查。咖啡機 – 檢查...
安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)在她致力於的文章中深入研究了客觀主義的一些最基本的思想——以及它們最尖銳的個人含義。
最近,經濟學家兼教授馬克·斯科森(Mark Skousen)邀請我回來,在查普曼大學(Chapman University)教授他的商學院課程——這個話題......
曾經有一段時間,安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)的新文章每月出版一次,並且經常提到或熱情地推薦一些作家。
“有些規則我完全願意遵守,”安·蘭德(Ayn Rand)1943年暢銷書《噴泉》(The Fountainhe)的主角霍華德·洛克(Howard Roark)解釋說。
I haven’t made up my mind about the debates regarding “nationalism,” conducted mostly in terms of epithets and denials, that have poisoned..
Ayn Rand permitted herself to write of Romanticism with a terrible yearning redeemed only by her fighting spirit. In the introduction to...
Porn and art generate two classic human responses: "Art is in the eye of the beholder" and "I know porn when I see it." Sometimes these....
“Productive work is the road of woman’s unlimited achievement and calls upon the highest attributes of her character: her creative ability..
就在幾天前,特朗普顧問安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)似乎陷入了困境。回應對猶太人的炸彈威脅
tesla.jpg如果你像我一樣,你為SpaceX負責人埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)宣佈他的公司計劃用彈弓送兩個人而歡呼。
Reading about the Age of Faith, Age of Enlightenment, Age of Science—all eras in the history of the West—did you ever ask: what is our age..
For partisans on both sides of the nomination (and hard-fought confirmation) of Betsy DeVos, 59, of Michigan, as secretary of education...
I will celebrate Washington’s Birthday. That is still the official federal holiday—“President’s Day” and “Washington’s and Lincoln’s Day”..