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Richard Salsman "'Effective Altruism' as a Cover for the FTX Scam"

December 15, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke Richard Salsman, Ph.D. for a discussion on the FTX cryptocurrency scam and what role “effective altruism” had as a cover. Previous Episode


December 14, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 132nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Objectivist Andrew Bernstein about his latest book "Why Johnny Still Can't Read or Write or Understand Math: And What We Can Do About it." Don't miss as the duo discuss the state of American education, Andrew's introduction to Ayn Rand, and thoughts on liberty in America.


December 7, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 131st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Dr. Aaron Kheriaty on his new book "The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State" and how public health, digital-surveillance, and state police powers were combined to become one of the world’s most dangerous threats to freedom and human flourishing.

Stephen Hicks & David Kelley - Ask Us Anything About Philosophy - December 2022

December 7, 2022
與資深學者Stephen Hicks博士和Atlas Society創始人David Kelley博士一起參加90分鐘的特別“詢問我們關於哲學的任何事情”活動,二人回答觀眾最緊迫的哲學問題。


November 30, 2022
Eric Kaufmann is a Canadian Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London and an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute. A specialist on cultural politics, religious and national identity, and demography, Kaufmann has authored, co-authored, and edited nine books, including The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America and Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities.


11月29, 2022
共和黨在最近的眾議院選舉中獲得了更多的選票(50MM對44MM),但其普遍預期的「紅色浪潮」並沒有實現。經過兩年的民主黨無能,腐敗和惡習 - 通貨膨脹處於40年來的最高水準,沒有經濟增長,猖獗的犯罪,邊境無政府狀態,公民自由攻擊,禁止化石燃料,公共補貼的生殖器切割 - 共和黨人只贏得了眾議院席位的微弱多數,並失去了參議院的一個席位。為什麼?共和黨候選人品質差?不,選舉舞弊?不夠。墮胎問題?可能。但最簡單的解釋可能是最好的:大多數美國選民更喜歡非理性的反資本主義政策。

Richard Salsman "The Seven Most Common Smears Against Self-Interest

November 17, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke Richard Salsman, Ph.D. for a conversation on the definition of self-interest and seven of the most common smears against it.

An Objectivist Perspective on the Election with Richard Salsman & Robert Tracinski

November 10, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D. and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special 90-minute discussion on the U.S. midterm election results and their ramifications.


November 9, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 128th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Triggernometry co-host Konstantin Kisin about his book "An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West" and topics related to censorship, gratitude, and the current cultural issues in both the United States and the United Kingdom.


November 2, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 127th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews special returning guest & Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity Marian Tupy. Listen as the duo discuss Tupy's new book "Superabundance" and how it demolishes the false premises of Malthusian-inspired scarcity politics.

Stephen Hicks & David Kelley - Ask Us Anything About Philosophy - November 2022

November 2, 2022
與資深學者Stephen Hicks博士和Atlas Society創始人David Kelley博士一起參加90分鐘的特別“詢問我們關於哲學的任何事情”活動,二人回答觀眾最緊迫的哲學問題。

ESG病毒 - 道德與市場

10月25, 2022

Richard Salsman - "Quiet Quitting" vs Going Galt

October 20, 2022
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D, for a discussion that contrasts the passive-aggressive practice of doing the minimum to keep your job with the proactive withdrawal of the “sanction of the victim” as dramatized in Atlas Shrugged.


October 19, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 126th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews German historian and sociologist Dr. Rainer Zitelmann. Don't miss as the duo discuss Rainer's time in academia, the private sector, his book The Power of Capitalism, and research into variations of attitudes towards the wealthy.


10月12, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 125th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews longtime outspoken critic of COVID-19 lockdowns, mandates, and medical censorship, Dr. Houman Hemmati. Dr. Hemmati is a board-certified MD Ophthalmologist and PhD research scientist who earned his BS in Biological Sciences from Standford University, an MD from UCLA School of Medicine, and a PhD from Caltech. Aside from being the co-founder of two pharmaceutical companies developing treatments for eye diseases, Dr. Hemmati also publishes extensively in the area of stem cell research and is a contributor to The Daily Wire.


10月12, 2022

Richard Salsman & Robert Tracinski - What Made Britain Great, Then Not-So-Great

October 11, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D, and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special 90-minute discussion on Great Britain and the rise of revolutionary socialism and democratic socialism.


October 5, 2022
Corey DeAngelis is the National Director of Research at the American Federation for Children, whose research primarily focuses on the effects of school choice programs on non-academic outcomes such as criminal activity, character skills, mental health, political participation, and schooling supply. He is the co-editor of School Choice Myths: Setting the Record Straight on Education Freedom and has authored or co-authored over 40 journal articles, book chapters, and reports on education policy, with work featured in media outlets such as USA Today, New York Post, The Hill, Washington Examiner, and Foundation for Economic Education.

Stephen Hicks & David Kelley - Ask Us Anything About Philosophy

October 5, 2022
與資深學者Stephen Hicks博士和Atlas Society創始人David Kelley博士一起參加90分鐘的特別“詢問我們關於哲學的任何事情”活動,二人回答觀眾最緊迫的哲學問題。

The Atlas Society Chats with Larry Abrams

September 29, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for a special Clubhouse interview with former chess master and longtime Objectivist Larry Abrams. Listen as the two discuss Larry’s book The Philosophical Practitioner, experience teaching Ayn Rand chess, and more.


September 28, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 123rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews author and founder of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin. Listen as she talks with Robert about the case for space and his views on nuclear power as an answer to America's current energy situation.

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.