

June 1, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and award-winning financial journalist Spencer Jakab for the 106th episode of The Atlas Society Asks as they discuss his book "The Revolution that wasn't: GameStop, Reddit, and the Fleecing of Small Investors" which explains the riveting story behind the January 2021 GameStop/Meme stock event that rocked some of the biggest, richest players in the investment world. View Full Transcript Episode


5月17, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and philosopher and business professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University Jason Brennan on the 104th episode of The Altas Society Asks. Listen as they discuss philosophy, economics, the problem with third parties in America and Why it's OK to Want to Be Rich. View Full Transcript Epis


5月11, 2022
Join our CEO Jennifer Grossman as she speaks with Transsexual activist Buck Angel on the 103rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Transgender activism is a matter of hot debate—from whether biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports and housed in women’s prisons to Governor DeSantis’ Parental Rights in Education bill banning teaching gender identity to young schoolchildren. That's why we've invited Buck Angel to give his nuanced perspective on the issue and to provide a more balanced discussion on the topic. Born biologically female, Buck struggled with gender dysphoria before transitioning a transsexual man. For decades he’s worked to affirm sexual freedom but has a nuanced view of some of what he sees as the excesses of transgender activism today.


5月 4, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Danish lawyer Jacob Mchangama for the 102nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks! As a human-rights advocate and social commentator, Jacob Mchangama has recently published his book "Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media" where he describes how free speech appears to be in recession and calls on some of history's greatest philosophers to act as chief witnesses in the defense of free speech today.


April 27, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and energy expert Robert Bryce for the 101st episode of The Atlas Society Asks. As a longtime skeptic of the viability of renewable energy, listen as Robert Bryce discusses his recent book and documentary, along with his analysis of factors contributing to the Texas power crisis during the 2021 winter storm.


April 20, 2022
Join The Atlas Society Asks for our special 100th episode: Scholars Ask Scholars. Our Senior Scholar and Professor of Economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman, sits down to chat with our founder, Dr. David Kelley to discuss the latter’s reflections on “Open Objectivism,” where he sees room to improve Objectivism as a “movement,” the future of The Atlas Society and more!


April 13, 2022
Listen to the 99th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where our CEO Jennifer Grossman and journalist Johan Anderberg discuss his upcoming book "The Herd" and how Sweden has ultimately fared against COVID-19 in comparison to the rest of the world.


March 30, 2022
Join Jennifer Grossman and the founder of Praxis/CEO of Crash, Isaac Morehouse, on the 98th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss homeschooling and alternative education along with how Praxis is working to provide young people the skills needed to get careers without having to go to college.


March 23, 2022
Join our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, and Professor Dorian Abbot on the 97th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as two discuss his experience of being canceled for expressing views at odds within "woke" academia, the status of open inquiry on campus, and his work to dismantle "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion."


March 16, 2022
Join our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, and the founder of the XPRIZE Foundation, Peter Diamandis, on the 96th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as they explore the power of a positive mindset, the future of exponential technologies, and why "Atlas Shrugged" became Diamandis' "bible" in his entrepreneurial journey.

The Atlas Society Asks Kenny Xu

March 9, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with the president of Color Us United, Kenny Xu on combating identity politics and race-conscious admissions in colleges like Harvard, which discriminates against high-achieving kids. As the president of Color Us United, Xu works to counter government, corporate, and media claims that America is a racially divided and hateful country.


February 23, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with the co-founder of the Reason Foundation, Robert "Bob" Poole. Listen as the two discuss Biden’s infrastructure plan, innovations in transportation, the future of privatization, and of course their shared love of Ayn Rand -- and Robert Heinlein. All this and more on the 93rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

The Atlas Society Asks Robby Soave

February 9, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with journalist and senior editor for Reason Magazine Robby Soave, on the 91st episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as they discuss Soave's books "Tech Panic: Why We Shouldn’t Fear Facebook and the Future" and "Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump." With the debate around whether the government should "smash" big tech platforms with regulations and anti-trust busts, listen as these two discuss why ultimately the government should just leave tech platforms alone.


February 2, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with author, essayist, and journalist Ashley Rindsberg on the 90th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as they discuss his book "The Gray Lady Winked," which presents historical examples of how the New York Times radically altered people's perception of history through the use of misreporting facts.


January 26, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with Replit CEO Amjad Masad on the 89th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss Amjad's early fascination for computers while living in Jordan and about his recently viral Twitter thread crediting his success to ten things about the American entrepreneurial experience, as covered by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal.


January 12, 2022
Join the Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a special discussion with Dr. Naomi Wolf on the 87th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss the current authoritarian lockdown and vaccine passport measures taking place in America and across the globe, along with a personal look at Dr. Wolf's history in the feminism movement and her new mission with the Dailyclout to keep elected officials accountable.


January 5, 2022
Are you confused by the current preoccupation with gender identity? With the proliferation of "preferred pronouns," the cancel culture fury directed at figures as prominent as JK Rowling, the male athletes winning honors in female sports? Then listen to the 86th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, is joined by Kara Dansky for a conversation to help us navigate the changing ideological landscape of sex, gender, and identity.


December 29, 2021
Join The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman as she talks with the co-founder of U.S. Term Limits, Howie Rich, about the case, efforts, and support for limiting the congressional terms of politicians on the local, state, and federal levels. Listen as they also discuss Howie Rich's longtime activism in the liberty movement and how Atlas Shrugged started him on this path.


December 22, 2021
Join The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman as she talks to former 9th Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski on the 84th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss Kozinski's childhood in Communist Romania, introduction to Ayn Rand, and the government-forced lockdown and vaccine mandates in America.


December 8, 2021
The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman talks to former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince about his book "Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror" to learn the true history of Blackwater and the exasperating and tragic story of "men taking bullets to protect the men who take all the credit." Listen to this wide-ranging interview as Prince discusses the history of private military contractors, including their role in America’s War for Independence, the inability of bloated defense bureaucracies in nimbly addressing evolving security threats, what went wrong in Afghanistan (both with the withdrawal and the failed exercise in nation-building). All this and more on the 82nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Wir fördern den offenen Objektivismus: die Philosophie der Vernunft, der Leistung, des Individualismus und der Freiheit.