


FDA 最近表示,在木板上陳釀乳酪是違法的;面對一片譁然,它退縮了...

6月11, 2014
3 分鐘

The main feature at the Atlas Summit on the evening of Friday, June 20 will be our Friday, June 20 Dinner Event: A First Look at Atlas

May 14, 2014
2 分鐘

In early April, Judge Jed S. Rakoff of Manhattan’s federal trial court spoke at the University of Southern California law school. His topic.

五月 6, 2014
4 分鐘


4月18, 2014
3 分鐘

亞利桑那州立法機關通過了一項法案,亞利桑那州州長揚·布魯爾(Jan Brewer)將使企業拒絕為同性戀者提供服務是合法的。

2月25, 2014
2 分鐘
Feds Blame JPMorgan in Failure to Catch Madoff

The New York Times headline leapt off the front page: “Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case.” According to a leak, the

12月23, 2013
5 分鐘

Actor Sean Penn recently labeled Tea Party politicians in Congress mentally ill, and he called on the president to issue an Executive Order

Nov 22, 2013
2 分鐘
Mark Cuban Fights the Man

Since defeating the SEC in court , Mark Cuban and his lawyer Lyle Roberts have publicly criticized the agency on several different grounds.

Nov 21, 2013
2 分鐘

商業權利中心注意到檢察官的一些不良行為。蒂莫西·克魯多(Timothy Crudo)對陪審團撒謊說了格雷格·雷耶斯(Greg Reyes)。檢察官有

11月5, 2013
3 分鐘

August 29, 2013 -- 對於一個不敢行使這些權利的懦夫國家來說,合法權利有什麼好處?對於一個自由社會來說,它...

11月5, 2013
4 分鐘
Who owns you? You or the government?

In the United States, the people are supposed to be in charge of the government. What do you think is happening today ?" This recent nation

Oct 11, 2013
2 分鐘
When Prosecutors Intimidate Witnesses

With their pursuit of investor Steven A. Cohen, federal prosecutors in New York have brought the government’s use of cooperating witnesses

Sep 26, 2013
5 分鐘


9月13, 2013
3 分鐘
VIctor Sperandeo on "The Coming Hyperinflation"

Legendary Wall Street trader Victor Sperandeo presents a compelling, data-driven case that the current U.S. and international monetary

Aug 29, 2013
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8月28, 2013
6 分鐘
Internet is not a Human Right

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced a new initiative to promote the spread of internet usage world wide. He titled his

Aug 26, 2013
2 分鐘

當消費者產品安全委員會(Consumer Product Safety Commission)追查其產品時,克雷格·紮克(Craig Zucker)的公司提出了抗議。巴基球可能會傷害以下人員:

8月15, 2013
2 分鐘
Lavabit Founder Shrugs, Closes Snowden Email Service

In 2004, Ladar Levison founded a business to produce a product he believed in: private email . He encrypted messages before storing them..

Aug 9, 2013
3 分鐘
D.C. Council to Walmart: Go Ahead, Shrug

Walmart is not a radical defender of its own rights, or of other people’s. It has obtained land through eminent domain....

Jul 12, 2013
2 分鐘
FBI Nominee James Comey and Civil Liberties: The Dark Side

James Comey, who is widely said to have threatened resigning as Acting U.S. Attorney General rather than sign off on the Bush administration

Jun 11, 2013
6 分鐘

نحن نشجع الموضوعية المفتوحة: فلسفة العقل والإنجاز والفردية والحرية.