On the 16th of October, 2010, I tramped into London along with two thousand other minds to attend The Amazing Meeting, the major conference
Spring 2011 -- THE WATER began swallowing Susan Lemaster’s home at 2 a.m. July 22. She was sleeping when her 27-year-old daughter, trembling
Ayn Rand 's ideas inspired many people; one of them was me. When I began reading Atlas Shrugged in the summer of 1964, I had no idea that
When I say 'capitalism,' I mean a pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism—with a separation of state and economics, in the
Winter 2005 -- If you’ve never seen Mrs. Miniver—the award-winning 1942 film about a middle-class British family courageously facing their
March 2005 -- "You can't handle the truth!" says Jack Nicholson in the climax of the 1992 movie A Few Good Men. This is a good theme for
January/February 2005 -- Charles Tomlinson, a long-time supporter of The Atlas Society (publisher of The New Individualist), died Tuesday...
瘋狂的熱宴會廳。導演瑪麗蓮·阿格萊洛;作家艾米·休厄爾;攝影指導克勞迪婭·拉施克-羅賓遜;編輯,Sabine Krayenbuhl
2005年秋 -- 當弗蘭克·辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)於1998年春天去世時,許多評論家和音樂愛好者哀歎他的去世是“一個時代的終結”。這
班主任艾莉森·謝尼亞克(Allison Sheniak)是一位充滿愛心、有愛心的老師,她有辦法讓你“感受到她的痛苦”。
This year marks the eightieth anniversary of the 1925 trial of John Scopes, who was accused of violating Tennessee’s prohibition on teaching
July/August 2005 -- England's multicultural delusions were literally exploded this past summer when British citizens, children of Islamic...
How many Objectivists are there among television actresses? Well, there is one for sure: Tracey Ross of NBC’s popular soap opera “Passions.
We in the West may argue over whether Islamist terrorists hate us for what we do or for what we are. But if we pay attention to what they...